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  • Benedict Harcourt's avatar
    Add clarity around template Secret fields (#1456) · a2682a26
    Benedict Harcourt authored
    **Description of the change**
    A documentation-only change making it clear which fields in the template
    `Secret` are directly copied, which undergo processing, and which are
    This addresses the confusion in issue #1445.
    Clarity for users experimenting with the Secret templating options. The
    idea that `` can be used is apparent as it is
    generated by `kubeseal` (defaulting to `null`), but the README does not
    make the usage or use-case clear.
    **Possible drawbacks**
    This change highlights increases the amount of technical detail in the
    README that is not relevant to most users.
    It also increases the attention drawn to the data templating feature
    which could cause requests for changes in that code's scope.
    Implementation details on the templating logic could be moved into their
    own file within `docs/`.
    **Applicable issues**
    - fixes #1445
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBenedict Harcourt <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlejandro Moreno <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAlejandro Moreno <>